Debunking Common Myths about Menstrual Cups: Understanding the Benefits of Switching to a Cup
Selecting a feminine hygiene product for your period is usually a very personal decision. You have to consider what is convenient for you and your daily routine. However, most women quickly push aside the idea of using a menstrual cup simply because of common misconceptions they have heard. Today, we are here to debunk your fears and help you understand why menstrual cups are actually a great choice!
1. You Will Need to Remove The Menstrual Cup to Pee
Many women fear needing to remove their menstrual cups to pee. But that couldn’t be further from the truth. You can easily pee or even poop with your menstrual cup inserted. You just need to ensure it is still in place so that you don’t accidentally get bacteria inside the cup or accidental leakage. If you are worried about keeping your cup clean, you can always remove it before using the toilet and reinsert it when you are done.
2. The Menstrual Cup Will Get Lost In Your Body
One fear that stops women from using a menstrual cup is that they are worried the cup will get lost. This fear is completely irrational as your vagina is a closed-ended tunnel. Your cervix blocks the entrance to your uterus, making it impossible for your menstrual cup to go anywhere else. If it seems like you can’t find your menstrual cup, don’t worry. Relax and try to remove it by pulling on the stem while squatting.
3. You Can’t Swim With a Menstrual Cup
Menstrual cups are similar to tampons in that they can be worn while you swim. Menstrual cups are leakproof, making them perfect if you want to swim during your period. With a menstrual cup, the water cannot get into your vagina, and it also prevents your period blood from leaking out.
4. The Menstrual Cup Will Collect Bacteria
Some people are afraid menstrual cups can collect bacteria and lead to infections. This is very unlikely to occur. As long as you wash your hands before and after handling the menstrual cup, it will not collect bacteria. The menstrual cup is also made out of a silicone material that helps to maintain your vagina’s natural pH.
5. Menstrual Cups Smell Bad
Since menstrual cups are made with medical-grade silicone, they actually do not have any smell at all. This is because menstrual blood does not smell. It only smells when absorbed into sanitary pads or tampons because they have chemicals that combine with the blood. This produces a musty smell that is commonly associated with periods.
6. The Menstrual Cup Will Be Too Difficult to Remove
Menstrual cups have a stem that makes them easy to remove. Some women who prefer to cut or shorten the menstrual cup stem may have a harder time finding the cup. However, menstrual cups such as the Leia cup have rings around the cup that make them easy to find and remove.
7. A Menstrual Cup Can Cause Toxic Shock Syndrome
While people believe menstrual cups can cause TSS, it is very rarely caused by menstrual cups. There have been very few reports of toxic shock syndrome due to menstrual cups. The handful of cases was also from people who used the cup incorrectly. Menstrual cups are only meant to be used for 12 hours, but the people who got TSS had it in for many days at a time.
8. Menstrual Cups are A Hassle to Clean
Menstrual cups are commonly misunderstood and believed to be difficult to clean. However, you can easily clean your cup at home by removing it, emptying the blood into the toilet, and rinsing it with clean water. You can also use mild soap to wash it quickly. If you are out in public, you can empty the cup and use toilet paper to clean the cup. Once the cup is cleaned, you can reinsert it.
9. A Menstrual Cup Will Leak
Properly inserting a menstrual cup will create a seal that prevents leaking. You can create this seal by folding the menstrual cup and inserting it into your vagina. Once it is inserted, release the cup, so it pops open. If it is fully opened, it will collect all the menstrual blood, preventing it from leaking. You can check to see if there is a seal by gently tugging on the cup. The resistance means you have created the necessary suction to prevent leaking.
10. Wearing a Menstrual Cup is Uncomfortable
While menstrual cups are bigger than tampons, they are far from uncomfortable. They are made with medical-grade silicone rubber designed to warm to body temperature, making them more comfortable. Once they are warmed up, many people forget they are even there.
11. Menstrual Cups Are Expensive
While the initial cost of a menstrual cup might seem higher than disposable alternatives, the long-term savings are substantial. A Leia menstrual cup, with its durability of up to 15 years, translates to significant financial savings compared to the ongoing expense of disposable pads or tampons.
12. Menstrual Cups Pose Health Risks
Some fear that using menstrual cups may pose health risks. On the contrary, Leia menstrual cups are made from high-quality, medical-grade silicone, ensuring safety and hygiene. They don't disrupt the natural pH balance and don't contain harmful chemicals, providing a secure and healthy menstrual solution.
It's essential to separate fact from fiction when considering menstrual cups. Debunking these common myths reveals the practicality, comfort, and financial benefits of making the switch. Leia menstrual cups empower women to embrace a sustainable, cost-effective, and comfortable menstrual solution.